Monday, September 19, 2011

Goodbye, Kim!

My dear, sweet friend Kim, is taking another job and sharing her knowledge and passion with the greater bay area. She will be missed at the night club we both worked at, but knowing she's just down the street makes it all okay. Some shots below from one truly fun going away party!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Beautiful, fun, and loving Irish wedding!

Still smiling and face sore from all the laughter of yesterday's wedding. I was honored to photograph the commitment ceremony of Kira and Denise who flew all the way to San Francisco from their hometown of Limerick, Ireland to exchange vows. Joining them were their close friends and family, many in from Ireland, and a few in from New York. The ceremony took place at the little known wave organ along the San Francisco bay, the weather cooperated with sun shining on these two and warming the spirits of all attendees. The touching ceremony was followed up with a beautiful lunch along the Berkeley marina and a true Irish wedding party at Nickie's bar in the city that went to all hours of the evening. Just so happy to be included in this ceremony and enjoyed everyone's company!